You’ve all got opinions right?  Everyone here is an opinioneer correct?  What in the name of Travolta’s john is wrong with movies these days?!  Even the movies that are supposed to be crappy corny popcorn films don’t make me laugh with crappy low budget practical effects.  They make me cry myself to sleep with a low budget computer generated Jeff Bridges…  No wait.  Tron Legacy had a very big budget…  WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED THEN?!!!!

Have you ever noticed the relation between the decrease in movie entertainment value and the increase in computer processing power?  This trend started shortly after Bobby Fischer got hooked up to that chess playing robot and fought a gigantic rooster.  Or was he fighting Boris Spassky?…  My memory’s not quite what it used to be, but I think the entire Northern hemisphere was obliterated by the aftershock.

My point is – while computers have been getting exponentially better, movies have been getting worse simultaneously.  I blame frogger.  Because of frogger, experts began diverting their efforts towards making fun, colourful, addicting-interactive experiences.  But where’s the heart?  Recently different video games tried implementing a “heart substitute” into their system.  aka, meaningful dialog, and the dreaded character developement.  It was an utter failure…  But all hope is not lost.  The “heart substitute” is hard to perfect.  And while most game developers couldn’t develop their way out of a wet paper bag, more and more are getting it right.  Given time, I’m sure they could produce something just as beautiful and majestic as David Hasselhoff…  But that’s completely off topic from the main issue.  Sucky movies >:(

Throw whatever arguments you want on the discussion table, but know this!  We’re facing a crisis here.  If these trends of movie suckery continue,  soon our society will produce a movie that will suck SOOO bad that it will pull every other movie down the lowest level of entertainment.  Thus plunging our world into a bitter wasteland future like that one in Mad Max.  One where no movie is safe from the devastation caused by Ghost Rider 3, or whatever…

…every movie except for Sharktopus that is, that was a flipping masterpiece…